A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.
Author Unknown
dec, 18th 00.00
black out
and here i am, lying on the sheet.
and close my eyes.
enter the world of dream.
dec, 18th 05.00
ordinary morning.
i hope time will travel slow today.
dec,18th 10.30
walk out from home.
i enjoy every step, every view.
i feel lonely, but free.
smell the air, feel the heat.
i wish i could freeze the time.
dec, 18th 11.30
the point of having friend beside you is it what makes you a human-being.
at some point, alone would be better,
but have a company would be best.
once again.
it depends on the needed.
dec, 18th 12.00
what i hate the most, but it's what i do the most.
we -human- will always spend our lives for waiting.
dec, 18th 18.45
never have an eye-contact with a "lady-boy"
dec, 18th 19.45
i believe we can!
better, and let's show them what's the best from us!
dec, 18th 23.00
there's a beginning and always there's an ending.
and i'm all alone.
dec, 18th. 23.55
thank you for those pre-21.
dec,19th. 00.00
it starts with a warm kiss from the-woman-that-i-loved-the-most.
dec, 19th. 00.05
t w e n t y o n e y e a r s o l d.
little prayer:
i'm thankful for every breath, every step, every move, every second that i have been through
i'm grateful for people around me, all those love and kindness, smile and embrace, tears and laugh.
i'm happy for chances that You have given me, through good times and bad times.
i'm excited to make another plans and fulfill my dreams.
i'm trying to be a better person. make a right move.
i believe that You have already set another story of my life, next step next journey to be through.
and i'm asking for Your guide, strenght and wisdom to live this life.
thank you.

dang, I'm almost got teary-eyed reading your wishes. very well-written dear.
thank you dear. ;)
what i hate the most, but it's what i do the most.."
This is soooo damn right!
pity us!
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